The kids on the Design Team traced the guitar from a template on to the wood.
After rough cutting the body I attach the template and use a router with a pattern bit to flush trim to take the body down to its final size.
The result. 
 Next I route the cavities for the pickups, electronics and neck pocket.


Drilling the holes for the screws that will attach the body to the neck.

I use an old bridge as a template to drill the holes for the strings to go through the body. Because the drill bit can drift a little even with a good drill press, I only drill half way through the wood.

I then use this board that I made with a small pin that fits exactly into the size holes I just drilled. I line this pin up with my drill bit in the press and lock it down. Now when I drill the rest of the way through the guitar body from the other side they should come out perfectly straight.
 After this is done, I use a larger drill bit for the string ferrules. This turned out great. A perfect straight line.

Now the last thing to do with the body is round over the edges. It's back to the router table.

 The body is done and ready for paint.

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